Saturday, November 27, 2010


This is going to be interesting...

As I'm writing this, it is 11:26 pm on November 27th, 2010.  Let me just start by telling you a few things about myself.

Firstly, as the title of this blogspot suggests, I am a Fat Guy.  Now, I'm not saying that to be cute, or ironic, or anything else.  I'm literally fat.  I'm over 350 pounds now.  I'm the heaviest I've ever been in my life, and I'm not happy about it at all.  I've tried all of the fad diets.  Most of them left me more pissed off than anything, and heading straight for Jack in the Box.  For those of you that care, my weakness is Ultimate Cheeseburgers.  At one point in my life (thankfully MANY years ago), I could eat as many as 3 a day.  I don't know what it is about them.  They taste decent (they used to taste better ten years ago, though), and they fill me up pretty nicely.  But, I'll admit it:  I'm addicted to them.  I find myself unable to break free of their grasp, and it's going to put me into an early grave.

But, I digress.  The whole point of starting this blog is not to whine or complain, or depress any of you who might be reading it.  Let me get back to my introduction, shall I?

My name is Jeremy Sumrall.  I'm 33 years old (34 in March), and, like I said earlier, I weigh over 350 pounds.  I got married to a wonderful woman in October of 2008, and she left me in August of 2010.  We're still legally married, but separated, and the lines of communication are GONE.  Guess she's not so wonderful anymore.  That's an OPINION, by the way, lest she find I wrote this and try and sue my ass for slander.  Opinions are protected under the first amendment.

My father is a diabetic, and has been one for many, many years.  He's on insulin, and he hates having to do the shots every day.  His sister is also a diabetic, and his mother was as well.  So, let's just say that diabetes is definitely knocking on my door.  In fact, I dare say I could potentially be hypoglycemic.  You see, just earlier today I was in Hastings doing some Xmas shopping with my brother, and I realized I hadn't eaten pretty much all day.  I started getting nervous, and sweaty, and was having some issues with my speech.  Classic symptoms of hypoglycemia.  Of course, I'm not a hypochondriac, nor am I a doctor, and I've never been tested, so I cannot say for certain.

However, issues like this have arisen in the past, and today it really rocked me to my core.  I don't know why today was any different than the other times it's happened, but it was.

Perhaps it's because just recently I discovered UFC.  Now, I had seen Ultimate Fighting a few years ago, and it sort of bored me.  I was a big wrestling fan when I was younger, and I even have a WWF tattoo on my left shoulder blade (it's a terrible looking tattoo; don't judge me!).  That stuff was exciting.  I couldn't stand watching Ultimate Fighting.  It was 30 minutes of rest holds.  Thank you, but I'll pass.

Of course, in recent years, UFC has exploded into this huge sport.  I was still on my anti-UFC bandwagon up until a few weeks ago.  My nephew, who is almost 18 now, has been training in MMA, and he loves it to death.  So, he and my brother would sit and talk about UFC for hours, and they'd always say that I should sit and watch some and get into it.  I'd of course brush it off, and sometimes even make fun of them for liking it.

A couple of weeks ago, I don't know what snapped, but I found myself watching a BEST OF UFC with my brother, and I got interested in it.  Since that point, I've found myself thinking about it non-stop, buying tons of DVDs and Blu-Rays, watching seasons of The Ultimate Fighter, and even going so far as to download a UFC NEWS LIVE app onto my HTC EVO with Android.  I guess you could say I have an obsessive personality.  Again, don't judge.

So anyway, in watching all of this stuff, I'm seeing guys in peak physical form, and finding myself more than a little jealous.  It's not necessarily all of the fighting and bloodletting that got me jealous, but moreso their workout routines.  These guys train for ridiculous amounts of time each day, and sometimes even multiple times in a single day.  And then they go into these fights and just pound the ever-loving snot out of each other, and are able to walk away and fight another day.  That's impressive.

That brings us to the point of this blog.  I'm nearly 34 years old, possibly borderline diabetic, over 350 pounds, newly separated from my wife, and basically I'm at a crossroads.  I know something needs to change.  Change is not going to be easy, but if I want to survive to see 40, I have to do something.  I can't do it alone.  And maybe this blog is my way of putting my story out there so that I can feel like I'm not alone, after all.  Maybe it's just a cathartic way for me to put my thoughts into words so that I can look back on them and remind myself that I have got to do something positive for myself at this point in my life.

Or, maybe I'm leaving a journal as an epitaph for myself.  I really would rather it not be the latter.

So...  Here we go.  Perhaps I'm taking the plunge.  Time to do some research, and find out if I'm going to start doing some training to get in better shape for myself.

Because at the end of the day, I can only do this for myself.


  1. Best of luck to you! I know you can do it!

  2. This is so doable. If you can complete a movie, you can get into shape.
